
DocControl reaches a milestone of 500 Users

Irvine, CA, October 19, 2015

DocControl, a secured web based document management system, has achieved a milestone of 500 users world wide. Now, more than 500 users all over the globe are managing and controlling their confidential documents with DocControl.

In just a small span of seven months DocControl has achieved this prosperity. The Principal owner of DocControl, Dr. Philip D. Cotter presented his sincere thanks to the sales and support team. He further added that the next interim target will be 1000 users so that to make it mostly used and popular document management system.

More than 60 leading health care organizations are using DocControl in different parts of the world including United States of America, China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Finland and Australia. Dr. Cotter said that “the main credit of success goes to the idea of creating DocControl a  cloud-based document management system and also to it’s user friendly interface” .

“I would like to say thank you to DocControl team. I got responses from you very quickly and received all documents to assist me in using the system. The quick start guide is very helpful. Great.” One of DocControl’s highly satisfied user from Biological Dynamics Inc. expressed her thoughts regarding the services provided.

DocControl is now aiming to achieve short term target of 1000 users very soon and creating another milestone, proving to be one of the popular Document Management and Control System.

DocControl is Introducing its brand new Website

Irvine, CA, September 18, 2015

Today DocControl a web-based document management system please to announce the launch of our brand new website, with all the information about the product and user-friendly support functionality. The support on website consists of Tutorial videos, FAQ’s and User Guide to understand DocControl in a better way.

The users can also submit their queries and the ask for a free trial from the website. The website is having integrated chat option which provides an ease of communicating with the support members at any time to the user. The website has been designed and developed by the best website designer in the industry.

The main goal of DocControl website is to provide the best support and information about DocControl to its users, the website also has the pricing details of DocControl that will give a clear idea about the subscription.

The website has 24×7 support functionality and the DocCotnrol support member are always ready to help the users. The website supports multi language feature and can be accessed in almost all the international languages.

DocControl Website is also offering one month free trial to all its users even if someone is not the subscriber, One can simply sign up and get the free trial with just one click to the website. The trial is totally free – no catches. No Credit Card required.

The website has been successfully launched all over the world and is totally responsive and can be accessed from any device even from mobile phones and support one’s national language.

About DocControl:- DocControl is Next Generation Web-based Document Management System that has been developed to provide intuitive, responsive, and straightforward electronic file management. DocControl is HIPAA, 21 CFR Part 11 and various other compliant product. Features like Electronic Signature, User Friendly Interface, Awesome Revision Control make it different and unique from the other systems in the market.